Sunday, 8 September 2013


Okay, let's go over a couple more meaning to some of my songs :)

CADMIUM II - Another one with a 'II' in it...but not because it had another part before...  A Cadmium II radiation leak is what killed the Red Dwarf crew.   ...I still wonder why a chicken soup dispenser repair man was sent to repair the drive plate that caused the accident... ;)

CADMIUM II is one of my favorites...  it's simple...but nice to listen to.  My girlfriend has a wicked vision for a music video to it....which I would love to see happen. 

NOVA 5 -  This was the name of the spacecraft that the Red Dwarf crew rescued KRYTEN from in the first episode of series 2.

Not a hugely complicated musical piece...just something to change the mood a little.  I had arranged it specifically to have some rap vocals put over it....but it hasn't happened yet...so it remains instrumental.   Just a couple of loops i found..put over some beats..

Saturday, 7 September 2013


OTRAZONE - the circuit corrupting drug for mechanoids....

Watch RED DWARF  series 7 - Beyond a joke - 

This new tune is the first of the new ones which will be on album 2...whenever that may be..  Not so much a dirty dubstep offering...but more of  a spaced out vibe.. with big melodies and synths throughout.
This one was a bit tricky to do..as the sections just weren't flowing into each other well enough..   I went back to the drawing board about 3 times on this little smegger... I think it turned out okay in the end tho :) 

I put it together to go through the stages of what the OTRAZONE trip might be like... different sections of trancey and trippy sounds with a hard, straight dubstep beat on the main sections.

There is a II in the title....   OTRAZONE was one of the first dubstep tunes I made a while back...but it wasn't quite up to par with my more recent ones...so it's hidden away... but OTRAZONE II will live on in it's place ;)