Saturday, 27 July 2013

I would go with betty...but I'd be thinkin' of Wilma... BBC Introducing + the Reverbnation Dubstep chart

After only really setting out to make some Dubstep music,,,I wanted to make a tune that had a bit more of a driving beat...something that would sound good in a car...something with more of a dancey vibe to it...so I began to work...
I found a nice sample to work off...and the song just seemed to flow for a while...until I hit a brick wall with the beats.  On a Dubstep track, I often take 2 different beats and layer them up to create a new and fuller beat.. but this wasn't working the same way with trance drums...so getting them to sound decent was a bit of a mission.
Anyway...when the instrumental side was done...I thought it might be fun to add some vocals...so I did.  I liked 'em at the time....but the version you'll hear on my Reverbnation page has part of the vocals removed... only the 'oooh's are left in the choruses.   I called the song 'I WOULD GO WITH BETTY...BUT I'D BE THINKING OF WILMA...'  and it turned out to be quite popular with whoever listened to it. 
I sent that song and 'MILLENIUM OXIDE' off to BBC INTRODUCING..with little hope that they'd even listen to it at all after reading something like 'we will listen to your song within 6 months'... I didn't sit tight...
Shortly after this, I went on holiday...and when I came back...I typed in DR LANDSTROM'S VIRUS into Google...and the name came up on a BBC website... I was like 'what the hell??'  I checked it out and there it was....'I would go with Betty...' had been played on BBC radio!!...a month ago!!  I was amazed....but also wondered why I hadn't been told it was gonna be played. ...so I checked my e-mails....and there in the junk folder were 3 emails from the BBC... the first saying that the song had been listened to... the second...saying that it was gonna be played on the radio show...and the third...saying that it had been broadcast.  I couldn't believe I'd missed my own song being played...  The podcast for that particular show had already run out of time...so I couldn't get a copy... but at least it happened...that's the main thing :)    Okay...having a song played on the radio may not be a huge deal to some... but to this guy from a lil' ass village in South Wales...it was a big deal.
I think the name of the track had a lot to do with it being listened to in the first place...after all...it IS probably the best known quote from Red Dwarf.
Shortly after this, I used the hype of the radio show and made a couple of new tracks 'THE DOVE PROGRAM' and 'ORANGE WHIRLY THING IN SPACE' and pushed the DR LANDSTROM'S VIRUS Reverbnation page as hard as I could...and within a couple of weeks...I had hit number one in the regional dubstep chart...and number 4 in the country.   I set my region to 'SPACE' as I just thought it'd suit the music better than Swansea...or Ammanford Wales... but doing this...my region now seemed to be set to somewhere in England...as I was now in a regional chart with dubstep artists from London and its surrounding areas....which I thought to be fuckin' amazing when I sat above them all on the chart.  As questionable as those charts are...I still got to the top of it...legitimately too.  There is only one artist on the dubstep chart for swansea...so that wouldn't have been a challenge... so to climb from number 34 to number 1 in a totally different region...was a proud moment for me.  ...but I might switch my region over to Swansea later...so I can rep my own country ;)

So I have just finished the follow up to 'I would go with Betty...'  It's called 'I'M GOING TO EAT YOU LITTLE FISHIES'  which is what CAT sings whenever he's about to eat some...err......fishies...
 I wanted to do something that had the same kinda vibe as the other one... but it turned out to be quite difficult to make.    I firmly believe that Dubstep is far easier to make than Trance or Dance music...but I will continue to try to make them both...

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